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Duskers (2016)

On Duskers I was once again the sole contributing artist (lead, director, whatever you want to call it). Jillian Ogle played a key role in helping establish the early aesthetic direction, and Marlon Wiebe produced the trailer, but the entirety of the game's UI and in-game assets were designed and created by me. It was a fun challenge to bring across the look and feel of 80s tech and sci-fi film interfaces in a way that was easily interpreted by modern gamers.

In-game screenshot

In-game screenshot

The Duskers UI didn't just have to capture a certain retro-tech aesthetic, it also had to be navigable completely by keyboard.

The Duskers UI didn't just have to capture a certain retro-tech aesthetic, it also had to be navigable completely by keyboard.

In-game screenshot

In-game screenshot

Early mockup attempting to establish a consistent visual language for the in-game "schematic" map view.

Early mockup attempting to establish a consistent visual language for the in-game "schematic" map view.

The "schematic" view as seen in the final game.

The "schematic" view as seen in the final game.

Evolution of the "galaxy map" screen from early mockup to final in-game implementation.

Evolution of the "galaxy map" screen from early mockup to final in-game implementation.

Duskers models had no textures and had to be recognizable solely from their silhouette or outline.

Duskers models had no textures and had to be recognizable solely from their silhouette or outline.

A very early mockup screen, before it was decided that the interface should be 1:1 with the user's monitor.  No 4th wall here!

A very early mockup screen, before it was decided that the interface should be 1:1 with the user's monitor. No 4th wall here!