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CoreWorld (2021)

This is Core's "hub world," a central space for users to congregate and teleport to other games. The base environment was the result of a close, multi-iterative collaboration amongst the entire Environment team - primarily myself, Josh Michael Tyler, Anna Hegyaljai, and Sasha Rassvet, with additional support from Evan Gaugh and concepts by Jordan Louie. Since initial launch it has been re-themed regularly to support holidays and other Core events, as shown in later images.

"Racing" reskin

"Racing" reskin

"Racing" reskin

"Racing" reskin

"Racing" reskin

"Racing" reskin

"Summer Games" reskin

"Summer Games" reskin

"Summer Games" reskin

"Summer Games" reskin

"Summer Games" reskin

"Summer Games" reskin

Original concept by Jordan Louie

Original concept by Jordan Louie